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Commandé Facebook 20 commentaires aléatoires • Achat vérifié

"Positive and high quality reviews.Also, comments were concise, and focused on the topic of discussion"

Commandé Facebook 20 commentaires aléatoires • Achat vérifié

"Like service quick turn around"

Commandé Facebook 20 commentaires aléatoires • Achat vérifié

"The timing of deliver is a bit slow and the comments are not very good, some of them showed off that's fake because they are not correct with content of the post. Ex: beautiful photo is not what you comment for a live video, lol"

BuySocialMediaMarketing équipe a répondu à cet avis 2019.04.14

Thank you for taking time to review the service. We would like to apologise for your negative experience with Facebook comments service. Please note that "random" comments are selected in random order, hence the name of the service. We always recommend going for "custom" comments if you want a tailored experience.

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