Buy Instagram
Story Views

Gain views on your Instagram video quickly and without any hassle! Paste your link below and people will start watching your video today.

Story Views

How to buy Instagram Story Views

It’s easy in 3 simple steps:

a package

Enter Instagram

Checkout with
card or crypto

Choose your package

Delivery usually starts within few hours!

Views will be delivered to all your stories. Every story will receive the ordered amount of views.

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Customers reviews

Kevin F
Ordered Instagram 500 Story Views • Verified Purchase

"Me parece increíble el servicio"

Ordered Instagram Free 100 Story Views • Verified Purchase

"So far, so good ) All the process went very well and now I'm waiting my free trial"

Ordered Instagram Free 100 Story Views • Verified Purchase

"It’s good that you have great"

Trusted by 148,300+ clients, featured in:

Why buy Instagram Story Views?

The views package you choose will be be delivered to all stories currently available on your profile

Boost your stories visibility with our instant story views service

Gain lots of attention and views on your stories quickly and effortlessly

Elevate your story engagement metrics with affordable packages

Common questions

How do I get started?

It's really easy to get started, simply select a story views package and enter your Instagram username, and you're good to go.

Your order will be processed immediately after payment has been made. After that, you'll receive the story views to all your currently available stories within 30 minutes of making the order.

How does 'story views' service work?

We only need your Instagram username. The views will be added to all stories that are currently available on your profile.

Every story will receive the ordered views amount.

For example: if you currently have 4 stories published on your profile and you purchase 1,000 story views - the 4 stories will receive 1,000 views each, in total 4,000 views, but you pay for 1,000 only!

I have multiple stories on my profile. Which ones will get the views?

We will deliver the views to every story that is currently available on your profile.

The package amount you select will be delivered to every story, if you choose 10k story views then each story will get 10k views.

When will the views on my stories arrive?

We offer instant delivery. Once your order has been placed, you'll receive your views immediately.

Typically the story views start to show up on your Instagram statistics within 30 minutes of you making the order. If there's nothing happening for a few hours, then please contact our support to get a resolution as soon as possible.

Will anyone know that I purchase views on my stories?

No one is going to know that you purchased views unless you tell them. So if you want to keep things private, then you shouldn't worry about telling anyone. They appear on your analytics as real story views and there's no difference at all.

So even if you show others the screenshot of your story stats there's nothing to worry about since the views will look as if they are organic.

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Choose a package, provide a link to your video and we will do all the rest

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