Free Threads
# Comments Trial

Get 10 free Threads comments from BuySocialMediaMarketing and enhance your post engagement!

No surveys or payment details required - simply enter your username, select a post and sign up with your email.

How to get free Threads Comments?


Enter username & select a post

To receive your 3 free Threads comments, enter your Threads username and select the post you would like to receive comments on.

This will ensure that the comments are delivered to the correct post on your account.


Sign up or login

Simply create an account with your email or connect your Google account. If you have an account already, then all you need to do is login.


Start getting free comments

Your 3 free Threads comments will be added to your selected post within minutes. Keep track of their progress in real-time through our dashboard.

Remember, this offer is a one-time offer per user, so make the most of it and get your free comments now!

Trusted by 193,800+ clients, featured in:

Common questions

How do I sign up for the free trial for Threads comments?

Signing up for the free trial for Threads comments is simple. Just visit our website, enter your Threads username, and sign up with your email. No survey or payment details are required, making it quick and easy to get started.

Is the free trial for Threads comments available for everyone?

Yes, the free trial for Threads comments is available for everyone. Whether you're an individual user or a business, you can take advantage of our free trial offer to boost your engagement on the platform.

How many comments will I receive in the free trial?

In the free trial, you'll receive 10 random comments on your Threads account. These comments will help increase your engagement and visibility on the platform, allowing you to reach a wider audience.

Can I choose which posts to receive the free comments for?

Yes, you can choose one post to receive the free comments for. Simply enter your username and select the post you'd like to boost, and we'll take care of the rest. It's a great way to see how our service works and the impact it can have on your Threads account.

Can I write my own comments for the free trial?

No, the free trial includes random generic comments. However, if you'd like to write your own comments, you can purchase our custom comments service starting from just $3.99. This allows you to tailor the comments to your specific needs and preferences.

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Ready to get 10
# Threads Comments for free?

Enter your Threads username, select a post and get comments for free! Limited to one trial per user.

Check out our other free trial options for Threads

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