Why Can’t I See Comments on Facebook (& How To Fix)

• 23 June 2024

It is completely understandable that more than half the social media users have switched their use of Facebook to Instagram and other platforms such as TikTok. There is a reason behind it, and that is actually the variety of functions that the other social media platforms are providing.

Instagram has become saturated with millions of posts being uploaded on a daily basis, whereas Facebook is not that crowded, but still, the users are seen to have minor problems that can be worked out within seconds.

But have you ever wondered why Facebook is still in existence and has not been completely left out? Obviously, Facebook is the oldest platform where people used to interact with each other. It was in trend to have a Facebook account. Most of the users of Facebook are millennials who never considered it mandatory to switch.

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Here are top 4 reasons why you can’t see comments on Facebook:

  1. Blocked Content
  2. Glitch in the System
  3. Issue in Privacy Settings
  4. Suspended Account

You are not able to see the comments, and by being disgusted with the issue. Suddenly you scream out, “Why Can’t I See Comments on Facebook?” . Oops, we have heard you doing that, so we have decided to sort it out for you. This article will help you understand why you can’t see comments on Facebook.

Why are Facebook comments important? 

A comment is something that portrays your expressions and thoughts. It can be verbal as well as written. In the world of social media, it is always written. When you comment on someone’s post, it is either a compliment or sometimes criticism. Comments are one of the best ways to interact with others; they help you increase engagement with the audience, just in case you are a content creator. 

When someone leaves a comment on your content, it is an indication that they have taken the time to view your work. Viewers gain an incredible interest in your content, and it is a great sign that they will come to appreciate your work again. 

Reasons Why You Can’t See Comments on Facebook 

As already been discussed earlier ,there can be a number of different reasons. And these reasons are the base that can make the comments on Facebook disappear. Have you ever wondered about the possible reasons? We have tried to sum up all the possible causes and bring the best possible solutions to you that will help you understand the problems.

Just like other social media platforms, Facebook is also known for providing personalized news feeds to its users. It displays relevant content that is defined by interaction through likes and comments on similar posts. We will uncover all the reasons that came in the way and caused the comments to disappear. So let’s just begin by starting with the most common reason. 

1- Privacy Settings: 

The Settings of Privacy in your Facebook account are of immense importance because they help you make certain changes that enable you to determine whether you can see the comments on Facebook or not. 


In privacy settings, examine the overall settings and make sure you have not limited who can comment on your posts and who cannot. In such a case, you cannot see the comments on Facebook because you have restricted permission in the comment section. 

2- Blocked Content: 

The other case is blocked content. If you come across content that has been blocked on Facebook, you cannot see the comments. If someone has been blocked or another user has been blocked by you, then in this scenario, you will not be able to see the comments of the blocked users. 

These comments will always be on a third person’s post because the blocked users do not have access to view each other’s content. 

3- Facebook’s Algorithm: 

There is a thing named Algorithm, and it is not only present on Facebook, but all the other platforms do have their own algorithms. These are certain rules that are supposed to be followed, and in case the rule is violated, Facebook manages the issue itself through its own automated functions. 

Imagine a friend who told you about the comment he made on your post, but because it is against the Facebook algorithms, the comment is not visible. You are wondering why I can’t see comments on Facebook, but the actual reason is because it contained a certain word that has been filtered out by Facebook.

4- Technical Faults: 

Here comes the technical issue that bothers you the most because it is, to some extent, an uncontrollable thing. It is usually due to a glitch in the system. The comments do not load, or sometimes you scream out why I can’t see comments on Facebook because there is an error in the system. 

How to Work Out the Issues 

The aforementioned are all the issues you might face while looking for comments on Facebook. But you are here to solve the problems you have been facing. Don’t worry; we’re here to assist you. This is how you can troubleshoot the issues:

Here are some of the ways mostly found to cause the problems ; 

  1. Check the privacy settings. 

                Menu > Settings > Followers and Public Content > Comment Settings 

  1.  Refresh the page (click on the refresh button at the top of the screen).
  2. Disable the Google Extensions.

                Open Chrome > Manage Extensions > Turn Off the Extension 

  1. Clear Cache and Cookies (from History).

                Web browser settings > Clear Browsing Data > Clear cache and cookies

  1. Disconnect and reconnect your device to the Internet.

Conclusion : 

Thus, it is observed that with minor settings, you can make a much bigger difference, and that is what knowledge is all about. Once you get to know about the adjustments in your settings, you are all ready to go. Why I can’t see comments on Facebook was your problem, but after reading this article, 80% of your issue has been solved. The remaining 20% is considered to be solved with practical application. 

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